August 26, 2010

1st Full Styling Photo Shoot: Hair, Makeup, Clothing, Photography!

My niece Alexandria was delighted to hear that her favorite Aunt, "Aunty J",  suggested we spend one day doing a photo shoot during her visit.  She is off to college very soon, and what better way than to kick it off with some great photos!  Alex jokingly mentioned that she will hang up a collage of self portraits on her dorm wall! 
I think they turned out beautiful!  I did have to work with her a bit, giving her some direction on facial expressions, but this will be a good starting point for her to learn and to get her ready for the next round.  I look forward to doing many more styling/photo sessions, as I already planned one with one of my best friends, as she shockingly said, "What?!  I think I'll photograph you instead!"

All the clothing is from Forever 21.